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Fastrics is an experienced IT audit, cybersecurity and data analytics firm adaptable to all sizes of projects and entities. Our firm was founded by trendsetters in the industry that have been working with IT risk & data analytics since the 1990s.

Founded Purpose

Our firm was created to assist C-level executives to reduce IT risk and improve efficiency through audit, advisory, and data analytics.

Why Choose Us?

We are pragmatic, skilled and experienced consultants - we can quote on fixed fee projects or use us on an hourly/daily consulting basis.

Unique Skills

Formed by CPAs, CISAs, and CISSPs we understand complex transactional data with deep IT and Analytical skills.

Unique Approach

Call us today to discuss how we can assist with your projects.

Office Locations


1000 Water Street, Suite 1501

Tampa, FL 33602


Other Cities:

Atlanta, GA

Dallas, TX

Indianapolis, IN

Nashville, TN

Tampa, FL

Phoenix, AZ


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